Why you need a multi-outreach strategy for sales

To boost your sales, drive your revenue and grow your business, a solid multi-outreach strategy is key. Multi-channel outreach is a brilliant way to nurture your leads, with Mailshake sharing that nurtured leads spend 47% more than non-nurtured leads. In this article, we will look at what a multi-channel outreach strategy is, and how you can refine your strategy to drive your performance.


AI in sales: What is the future?

The landscape of sales is rapidly evolving, driven by the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This cutting-edge technology is revolutionizing customer interactions, lead generation, and sales forecasting, among many other aspects. In this article, we delve into the future of AI in sales, exploring how it is used, the benefits it brings, the potential drawbacks, and the ongoing evolution shaping its applications.


Why should African manufacturing businesses adopt automation?

The way businesses operate and deal with each other is changing – not only in Africa, but across the globe, and automation is a key factor in that evolution. For manufacturing businesses, this is affecting not only the production method with manufacturing automation, but also the way in which day to day activities are conducted. In this article, we are going to look at operational business automation, and how adoption of these processes and techniques can help your business evolve and grow to the next level.


Hard Selling vs Soft Selling - What is right for you?

Hard selling vs soft selling, which strategy will result in more sales and higher revenue? Both strategies have benefits and limitations that can affect how effective they are for your business. Vonage shares that 53% of customer loyalty is driven by their sales experience, so choosing the right sales strategy is crucial. Here is everything you need to know about both methods.


Agile sales management – why it’s the way forward

Sales management is a critical factor that contributes to the number of sales your business makes. There are many different types of sales management strategies, but one of the best ones to consider is agile sales management. In this article, we will look at what agile sales management is, and how it can transform your business’s performance.


Are African startups being powered by automation? Here’s what you don’t know

Africa has one of the highest entrepreneurial rates in the world, meaning that establishing new business in the area is relatively common as Africa is an emerging startup destination.

With new business comes new opportunities, and the ability to look at new technologies and solutions without being blinkered by ‘common sense’ and ‘tradition’ in the way that established companies are with the idea of, “it has always been done this way, so it always should be.” In this article, we are looking at how automation is being harnessed by new business in the region, what it can do, and how digital tools can streamline business processes.


BPA in the legal sector in the Middle East and Africa

The legal sector in the Middle East and Africa faces unique challenges in today's fast-paced and complex business landscape. To keep pace with evolving client demands, regulatory requirements, and increased caseloads, law firms and legal departments are turning to innovative solutions. One such solution that has gained significant traction is business process automation (BPA). This article explores how BPA can revolutionize the legal sector in the Middle East and Africa, streamlining operations, enhancing efficiency, and delivering superior client service.


Why is lead management automation so effective for African business?

Whether you are starting a new business in Africa or have been trading for dozens of years, expanding and growing your customer base is essential. Lead generation is one aspect of this process, and it is an important one, but are you making the most of those leads? In this article, we are going to look at lead management automation – what it is, what it does, and how it can improve your business so you can make more of your opportunities.
